Home Events Tangentia & PSL Recruits Talk

Tangentia & PSL Recruits Talk

Tangentia & PSL Recruits Talk

The Training & Placement Cell of Don Bosco College of Engineering, Fatorda-Goa organized a talk by recruits of Tangentia & PSL Company for the Electronics & Telecommunication  students of DBCE who had applied to the said companies. Google meet webinar was held on  March 13, 2021  from 4:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.

The first resource person for the talk was Mr. Saif Ahmed, ETC Batch 2020, who is currently working at Tangentia. He gave an insight to students on 3 different job openings in the company. He spoke about various software that one should be aware of and making attempts to learn few of them. He also spoke about Automation Anywhere software and shared few links from where one can study about the same.

The second resource person was Mr. Dhirender Singh, Computers Batch 2020, who is currently working at Persistent Systems Limited (PSL). He shared his experience of answering the PSL test and interviews. He advised students to keep their resumes updated and simple. He spoke about focussing on basics of C/C++ and programming skills.

The third resource person was Mr. Yash Diniz, who is from Computers Batch 2021 and has been selected for PSL. He spoke about the coding test and how to prepare for it. He also mentioned that it will be tough for ETC students but with practice they can achieve their targets. He also mentioned to prepare for questions on databases and Java.

The session ended by Dr. Shreyas Simu, Asst. TPO and Prof. Avila Naik, TPO thanking all the speakers for sharing their experiences.


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